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This website was created by Flamingo Bay Tanning and Beauty
  • How old you need to be
    In the UK you must be 18 to use a sunbed, and you may be asked for ID, so make sure you take your ID with you if you’re lucky enough to look younger than your age!
  • What is a sunbed session?
    A sunbed session is the length of time it takes to reach an individual’s MED (minimal erythemal dose). This is the point prior to over-exposure and burning, which must always be avoided. A session will therefore depend on the type of sunbed being used, the skin type of the person using it and the development point of their tan. Never sunbathe outdoors on the same day you take a sunbed session.
  • Why will some sunbed salons let me use their sunbeds for longer sessions?
    This depends entirely upon the type of sunbed being offered. The power and UV output can vary considerably from sunbed to sunbed. A professional sunbed operator will advise on the correct session length, dependent upon sunbed, skin type and stage of tan development. A new regulation now requires all sunbeds to have a maximum irradiance level of 0.3W/m2 and this will mean the length of a session will need to be increased to achieve the same dosage.
  • Is there a link between UV exposure and skin cancer?
    There are two types of skin cancer – non-melanoma which can usually be easily treated. The second is malignant melanoma, which if not treated early enough can prove fatal. Some evidence points to sunburn and over-exposure to UV being one of the possible risk factors in contracting skin cancer. It follows, therefore, that avoiding melanomas can be helped by controlling exposure to UV – particularly in children. Malignant melanoma is found to be most prevalent on parts of the body not normally exposed to sunlight, suggesting that it is those areas that have to deal with intermittent, excessive doses of UV that are most vulnerable – or that UV over-exposure is not the only cause. Controlled exposure to UV, either in sunlight or on a sunbed, is important to avoid over-exposure and sunburn
  • What are the benefits of using a sunbed?
    Sunbeds offer a controlled way to tan and can provide appropriate levels of UV to ensure sufficient levels of Vitamin D are achieved and maintained (see section on Vitamin D for more on this subject). Tanning in sunlight means the body can be subjected to different levels of UV rays, depending on the time of day, location in the world, month of the year and so on. With a sunbed, a tanning programme can be developed to ensure skin type and the type of sunbed being used, are taken into consideration to ensure that over exposure, including the possibility of burning, is avoided.
  • Is it true there is no such thing as a safe tan?
    No. Tanned skin protects against sunburn, thought to be the main cause of melanoma. If you avoid getting sunburned, the benefits of moderate sun exposure (see Vitamin D section) will far outweigh any risks.
  • Is unprotected sun exposure unhealthy?
    Although precautions do need to be taken, regular, moderate amounts of unprotected UV exposure are absolutely necessary for good health. Independent scientific research has shown that whether you live in a sunny or not-so-sunny climate, but expose yourself to sun, then your subsequent increased production of Vitamin D will help lower the risk of a host of debilitating and fatal diseases including colon, breast, prostate and ovarian cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and depression.
  • Are sunbeds for tanning only?
    If you don’t have the opportunity to go out in the sun or prefer a more private and controlled environment, indoor tanning facilities represent a viable alternative to natural sunshine for stimulating your production of Vitamin D. However, it is important to remember that the radiation that you are exposed to in an indoor tanning facility is the same as what you get from the sun. That means you need to take the same precautions that you would if you were in natural sunlight.
  • If you’re on any medication
    If you are taking medications or natural supplements you should research if they are capable of causing a photosensitive reaction which you may need adjust tanning times accordingly or even not allowed to use a Sunbed.
  • What Skin Type Are You?
    By knowing your skin type and its tanning abilities, most sunburn can be avoided altogether. Skin typing determines the amount of natural protection you have against ultraviolet light, how many sessions it will take you to establish a base tan, and how long you can be in the tanning unit each session.
  • What’s your Tanning Skin Type?
    Skin Type 1 Usually very white or pale, blue or green eyes, red hair and many freckles. This skin type burns very easily and tans with great difficulty. Tanning must be undertaken very carefully. Skin Type 2 Light beige skin, blue or green eyes, blonde or light brown hair and maybe freckles. This skin type has a tendency to burn. Tanning must be undertaken carefully and correctly. Skin Type 3 Light brown skin, brown eyes and hair. This skin type sometimes burns but always tans. Skin Type 4 Light brown or olive skin, dark brown eyes and hair. This skin type sometimes burns and tans easily. Skin Type 5 Brown skin, dark brown hair and eyes. This skin type rarely burns and tans very easily.
  • Why a Tanning Lotion
    Before hitting the tanning bed, you might want to get yourself an indoor tanning lotion from us, or else your skin could end up dry, dull, flaky and just not looking all that good. Indoor tanning lotions are the types used for tanning beds and should not be used under the sun unless specified on the bottle. They contain no SPF to protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays, although some have sunscreen included. In fact, indoor tanning lotions tend to intensify UV rays rather than block them. This makes their job of giving you a faster, darker tan more effective. They can also keep your skin healthy and may protect you from skin cancer in the long run. The main reason for the use of indoor tanning lotions is to prevent your skin from drying out during the process. Since indoor tanning accelerates and intensifies the tanning process, the skin also tends to dry up quickly. This could lead to peeling, which is undesirable since this will cause you to lose your tan sooner.
  • Accelerator & Maximiser Lotions
    If you’re new to tanning or have pale/sensitive skin, we would recommend beginning with an accelerator/maximiser lotion. Most beginner accelerators contain great anti-aging elements ideal for building up a base tan, beginner accelerators are non-tingle and don’t contain bronzers. We would advise you use a moisturiser formulated with hemp seed oil – We have a range of these from perfectly pink to coconut & water melon
  • Bronzer Lotions
    The next step up and most popular type of tanning accelerator is the bronzer. There are two types of bronzer; the immediate and delayed. The great advantage of bronzers is that they combine DHA and active ingredients to give instant dark results and long-lasting colour, yet continue to develop after a tanning session to continually improve your tan. With bronzers, you need to ensure you apply the lotion evenly or you can end up with a patchy tan. Tip – Ensure you wipe your hands thoroughly after applying a bronzing lotion to ensure you don’t end up with hands darker than the rest of your body!
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